A Quick Thought

Experiences of Life

Today I’m posting from Tim Horton’s in Dayton, Ohio…or at least a small suburb of that city. They all kind of run together while we are driving around and it’s hard to keep track of where you are. No, I don’t have a coffee, but after a bite of an apple fritter, one would be good. And I mean coffee…black and as strong as you can make it. My daughter purchased this cold stuff…watered down coffee with milk and ice cubes in it. It’s a real pretty color though. Maybe I will do my dining room in it. Just a thought.

So, we have been in Dayton for almost two weeks now. It has been enjoyable to see a state blushing with spring, that is a bit different from Kansas…but I do miss Kansas. I miss my roses starting to bloom as well as my poppies and lilacs. At least the roses will bloom many times over the summer, but not so with the lilacs, and I do adore lilacs!

The weather has been rather gloomy…overcast and humid, not unlike Kansas weather this time of year. So far no tornado watches or warnings that I have been aware of. Probably wouldn’t have mattered too much as we are on the top floor of an apartment, three sets of stairs up. The view from the balcony is wonderful. There is a large lake with a fountain and there are geese and ducks, and an occasional crane. The ducks and geese are caring for babies right now, so it’s been very fun to watch them growing up so quickly. But again, not a great place to be in case of a tornado!

The apartment is also near an air force base and at times there are very big planes flying overhead. One of these woke me up the other night. It was the night there had been storms. Waking suddenly to a very large plane flying very closely overhead when there has been a chance for tornadoes…well, let’s just say I took a moment to ponder the reality of quickly getting three people and a large dog down all those stairs…and I went back to sleep. Standing out in the rain in my night clothes didn’t seem very appealing at two in the morning.

So, as our time here in Ohio nears an end…I am anxious to get back home and to my routine. It’s been different to be someplace else for a while…drive in traffic again…everywhere you go, relate with people that are very different than in Kansas. It’s been wonderful to visit with our second oldest and meet a new member of the family…but home is beckoning me.

Life is all about changes, and experiences. I tend to get stuck in a rut, and I kind of get comfy there. But I jumped out of the puddle for a bit and now I’m ready to return. I’ve spent most of my life in cities, driving in traffic much of the time when I was younger. I really don’t want to go back. I relish my quite, little town and one stop light.

By the way…I really miss my washing machine! Laundromats have not become better over the years…just more expensive. Just a last thought! Enjoy your Friday! I will be…with a doughnut and a hot, black, cup of coffee.

Parenting 101

The Newest Addition

She has arrived! Our newest addition to the grandchildren line-up finally made her appearance after many hours of labor on her mother’s part. I thought for sure she was going to be a ‘he’ and I was a bit surprised when her daddy announced that she was a ‘she’. That’s alright with me! I’m partial to girls after having four of my own. But you all do need to work on upping the male side of things in our family. We love grandchildren! Welcome to the world little Ava Leigh! We are all looking forward to getting to know you!


A Day to Remember

Special Delivery

Waiting for a baby to make an appearance really pushes the patience scale. I know that five times over with my reluctant-to-arrive children. Each one was at least two weeks overdue. You wait anxiously for that due date…and then it passes! What? Then every day thereafter is pure torture. The first week the questions and little ‘jokes’ about your due date being passed, are somewhat bearable. The second week, not so much. You avoid going out in public and the stares of mercy from people you don’t even know. At home, you snarl at those you love and level gazes at them that would shrivel a prune. And you wait. The days, hours and minutes slow to a turtle crawl.

Our two youngest and I are now in Ohio, waiting for the arrival of grandchild number four. TODAY is the due date…and it’s not looking good. Now begins the wait.

People offer suggestions to help speed up the process. But all of us know that a  baby has a mind of its own…and he or she will express it very loudly and clearly concerning their entrance into the world. They have us in their itsy-bitsy hands.

So, here I sit in Target, sipping on a Starbucks coffee…writing to all of you. Our three youngest girls are off shopping for baby items that are always needed at the last minute. As I have mentioned before, I’m not much for shopping anymore. So the set-up suits me just fine. Well, it kind of suits me. They don’t sell Krispy Kremes here. Have a wonderful Monday!

Our Christian Walk


There comes a time in all our lives when we have to tackle that dreaded, never-ending problem of losing weight and getting in shape. If you are one of those that has never been in that situation…I am happy for you, but I honestly don’t have any understanding of that! So this post is for those of us that are struggling…and it really hits this time of year…spring. Not only are the flowers in bloom, but the weather is warmer and we want to be outside, not wear bulky clothes, ride a bike, swim, and just have fun in the sun. And of course shedding that winter skin usually involves shedding a few pounds…or a lot, whatever your situation is.

The biggest temptation for me is…chocolate, and probably ice cream. But chocolate beckons with its velvety appearance and the mind remembers that glorious taste and texture. Believe me…gathering the pictures for this post was pretty daunting. But so far I have only looked and not touched.

Add a www.deborahanndee.comlittle bit of body text

Yes, I do miss chocolate…very much…but I know it is for the best. The priorities in my life have become more about the long-term benefits of health and the wonderful ability to spend time with grandchildren…without puffing like a freight train. The satisfaction of chocolate doesn’t seem to be as fulfilling as it once was. The call of biking through a canopy of trees on a smooth road on a spring day seems much more enjoyable. And someday, maybe even the swimsuit will be able to come out of the moth balls!

Am I doing this all on my own? No, I have several family members that are being tortured as well. I guess misery loves company, or something like that! But a verse that comes to mind over and over is:

Philippians 4:13  (NASB)

13 I can do all things [a]through Him who strengthens me.

This verse is short and sweet and says a mouthful. Rather like chocolate for the soul!



What’s In a Title

Yesterday I posted on The Aroma of Gasoline In the Morning. If you don’t recall that title…it’s for a very good reason. I didn’t have one! I was checking this site this morning and noticed there were a lot of views on my post from yesterday. So I thought that was pretty special…always nice when people check in and see what’s happening. Then I noticed the number on the post. What?

I’m sure all of you will agree that a title is a pretty special thing on a story. Without a title…well, you don’t know where you are going. If you write a story of any kind, or even a report, a title is good. You may even be able to get by without a cover. Your marketing may become even more difficult, but you could swing it. But a title…you need one.

A title becomes intriguing, makes you want to investigate further. Whatever your content is on your report, magazine article, or novel…you want to give the reader a clue.

So thanks to all that checked out the post yesterday, and a very special thanks to everyone that actually read it to see what it was about! One reader had asked if I was promoting people sniffing gasoline early in the morning. Uh, no, probably not a good idea. But as I replied, it has always had a strange fascination for me. Not entirely bad, but not great either. I wouldn’t want a perfume with notes of gasoline in it! Have a great Tuesday!


A Quick Thought

The Aroma of Gasoline In the Morning

Seriously! It’s time to let off a bit of steam. If you’ve been keeping up with me…you probably know I don’t watch TV, rarely watch the news, don’t have a cell phone currently, and no, I’m not a hermit! I listen to Sirius radio so I don’t have to endure commercials or advertisements. I like my life pretty clutter-free and streamlined.

So, when my husband and I were at the gas station this morning, and I heard the news running over the speakers…that bothered me…a lot! It annoyed me on many levels, but I will only go into one on here…for now! After all, I will need other topics to post about at some point!


Seriously…we have to hear the news report, and commercials while we pump gas? Now I do understand why they thought this was a good idea. Especially in the morning. But what is happening to our choices in this life? Most of us have a radio in our car, and we can listen to the news while we are in it. If you miss something, believe me, if it’s important, you will hear it again…and again…and again. You are not going to miss out! So, to be pushed to listen to the news while pumping gas, annoys me. Music would be nice in my humble opinion, but not everyone likes the same music. And again, most of us have a radio, CD player, MP3 player in our vehicles. We can wait for the maybe ten minutes it takes until we get back on the road to enjoy our tunes.

What’s wrong with maybe just standing there, going through your list of activities for the day, hum a little tune in your head…your choice of music. Inhale the smell of gasoline in the morning and listen to the traffic go by. Use some of your other senses…and don’t be barraged by the state of the world. Why do we have to have noise, information and general confusion 24/7 in this world today? I really dislike the term…but chill!

So, the picture at the top of this post is where I want to pump my gasoline. I want to get out of my 1957 Ford Thunderbird…convertible, of course, and red…absolutely! I want to pump my gas as I stand beside that great car, and let the breeze blow my hair as I listen to the sound of the birds, maybe a radio in the station playing a great oldie. I will then go to the pop machine and get a nice, cold Coke, take a sip and then get back in that car and continue my travels. I will have the top down…of course, and I will be listening to some great tunes. Just the ribbon of road before me, with the wind blowing through my hair.

This is Monday. Make a decision to make it a great week. Take a few minutes to just pump your gas, listen to the birds sing and smell the breeze. Take a deep breath and enjoy just being alive. All the hassles will still be there when you are finished…believe me! The pictures below are for the car lovers out there. Have a great day!

Our Christian Walk

Just Be…Content

That moment when you are so very thankful for all that you have. Life is hard. We struggled with relationships, parenting, finances, friends, and all the ‘stuff’ we are supposed to do to be a ‘good’ person.

Set it all aside for a moment…and just BE. Be happy for those relationships, those people that tolerate you, and love you no matter what. Be thankful for your children, know matter how discouraging and trying they may act at times. Be thankful for your employment and those co-workers that drive you crazy. Be thankful for friends that help to bear your burdens, and keep you accountable. Concentrate on those things in your life and quit striving for the bigger and better…continually. Be content.

If we abide in Him, life isn’t such a struggle anymore.



A Quick Thought

I’m a Little Blue Today

I don’t have a cell phone, and most of the time that is perfectly acceptable to me. There is a huge part of me that loves to leave the house…and not be accessible to anyone. Of course, if my husband is with me, that is not the case. For a while I had a tracfone, which was great in case of an emergency, or to leave a simple message. Please get milk on the way home, Taco Bell for dinner sounds great, etc. If we are on a trip, I will use my husband’s phone to text, or talk to our children…until I get car sick. But generally, I’m not too attached to the cell phone idea.

But today, one would be nice. I’m in the midst of spring cleaning at our house. The first of April and the first of October our house gets a good go-through. Windows and curtains are washed, those awful mini-blinds that collect dust from nowhere are cleaned, bedding is switched from winter flannels and heavy blankets to cottons and light blankets. In the fall it is reversed. Ceiling fans are cleaned and switched to hot or cold weather settings. There is nothing worse than to turn on a ceiling fan that has not moved for several months. Those dust bunnies get the ride of their lives!

So today, I have been washing my kitchen dishes. No, not the ones in the cupboard, but the ones I use to decorate with. Our kitchen is an ivory color and I have blue and white dishes from Cracker Barrel that I have on the walls and shelves. I also have blue and white Currier and Ives dishes from my maternal grandparents. They are special to me because we had Sunday dinner on them. Now they adorn my kitchen. I love cobalt blue and I have several items to accentuate all the other items I just listed.  So, as all those dishes dry on the counter, I am posting this.

Now is when I wish I had a phone…not for the talking, texting aspect, but for the camera. Because who owns a camera anymore? And if you do, you are probably a photographer or a wannabe. Do they even develop film anymore? I would take a picture of my walls and shelves and share them with you. Because when all those dishes are just washed, sparkling, with the light shining through the cobalt…it’s really pretty!

When my husband gets home from work, I will have to borrow his phone. No, I don’t need to make a call, but next time…I will share the pictures with you! Happy Saturday everyone! Get out there and enjoy the day!

P.S. I actually have the above biscuit jar. This one is on Amazon.