A Day to Remember, Our Christian Walk

Merry Christmas!

Brightly wrapped presents under the tree are a beautiful sight to behold on Christmas morning. As a child, scampering down the stairs to see what Santa had delivered was always exciting. Even though we all knew Santa Claus was a fictional character in our home, it was fun to think about. We all knew our parents provided our gifts, and my mother worked herself to exhaustion level to make sure we had a wonderful Christmas season.

In our home growing up, and in our home raising children, the birth of Christ being remembered was always the reason we celebrated. The older I become, the more meaningful that is to me. I still enjoy the lighted and decorated Christmas tree, and the giving of presents. The family gathered, and food contributed and enjoyed by cherished family and friends.

No, Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th, and there wasn’t snow on the ground with wise men present. But Jesus Christ was born, and the angels proclaimed it to the shepherds in the fields. A star boldly proclaimed where the Savior lay and directed those that wished to follow. December 25th is the day set aside for Christians to remember. I am thankful we have the opportunity to still celebrate that, and I am extremely thankful for the gift that was given.

Merry Christmas to one and all! May your day be filled with thankfulness, and joy!

Featured image at top of title: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

A Quick Thought, Bible Verses, Our Christian Walk

Pray Without Ceasing

Good Sunday morning to you!

The title to this post says it all. We ask for prayer for our loved ones, our friends, to help us get a job, to be patient, and the list goes on. At times, I just need prayer for myself…without ceasing.

This video was from many years ago. Back when our family was doing concerts. Back when our three youngest children still lived at home, and only our oldest was married. There have been so many miles traveled since those days! So much prayer needed for our family, and struggles we’ve had. Just like any other family out there.

Here’s Catherine Emily singing. She has a beautiful voice now, at almost seventeen years old. Alyssa Lynn is on the mandolin, and our son, Nathan on the guitar.


Special memories!

Bible Verses, Our Christian Walk

The Deep, Deep Love…

Today is Sunday, a day when many go to places to worship. A day set aside for that purpose in our busy lives. As a Believer, Sunday is not the only day for me, and many days are filled with hours of praying, recalling Bible verses, and applying God’s Truth in my life.

Once such verse I was reminded of recently is one I used frequently when our children were growing up.

Ephesians 4:32 - And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. (KJV)

This verse was memorized and quoted, usually for the purpose of a disagreement, and a reminder of how we should respond and treat one another. 

Our children are grown, and this verse came to mind once again. Not to be a reminder for them...but a reminder for me. A verse to be applied to all. Not just those I like, or admire, or agree with. But those individuals that pass through my life, that I may not agree with, or admire in a particular way. Just another person that is deserving of kindness, and forgiveness, just as Christ has done for each one of us. 

This verse levels the playing field, leaving no room for prejudice, judgement, or hate. We are all equal, and race, color, education, and monetary success means nothing. 

Today is Sunday. Remember what God has done for us, and the deep, deep love He has for each one of us. 


Our Christian Walk, Parenting 101

Freedom to Choose

I’ve never really listened to George Jones. I know his songs, and I read a book written about him and Tammy Wynette many years ago. Back in the days when I read anything I could about people and their lives. They had a love story, not only filled with roses and sunshine, but thorns and stormy days. The same stories we all share. George Jones was an extremely talented songwriter. He was able to tell a story, draw you in, and have you laughing or crying in under five minutes. Wow!


You are probably going to have a lot of posts from me about songs I listen to. Our son gave me a little white box this past Christmas. It sets in my kitchen where I can talk to it, asking about the weather, and recipes I need. It’s a very handy little device, and I’ve become rather attached to it. When it comes to music, all I need to do is tell it what song I want to hear, or what genre. I smile when I think back to the days when we ran miles of stereo wire through the house so we could have a speaker upstairs and get ‘surround’ sound.

This morning, I had bluegrass-type gospel music playing, when this song came on. Choices was not written by George Jones, but it was written about his life. If you know anything about country music, George Jones had a huge impact on it. He also struggled with addiction.


It continually amazes me the way God uses people. Not only their strengths, but their weak areas as well. The men in the Bible given as examples were not sin-free. They murdered, committed adultery, and didn’t always do as instructed by God. Some even turned their backs. Those actions detoured their lives, and there were consequences to pay. We live in the same world today, and we still have choices to make.

Every one of us can think back over our lives, and see something that we should have handled in a different way, maybe a better way. We all live with regrets and guilt. I think that’s why it’s so very important to instill in our children a sense of right and wrong, and to teach them to listen to that little voice of warning when we are headed down a wrong path. There is no shame in re-routing, or admitting we are wrong. There are second chances…usually. The only shames are arrogance, and being unwilling to learn.

This song is bluntly truthful, speaking of the singer’s regrets for not making better decisions with his life. The addictions were more important than family, friends, and talents. Addictions are not only in the forms of alcohol and drugs. They can be anything that keeps us from being the person God designed us to be…the best that we can attain here on this earth. I know what mine are…how about you? I know the areas in my own life that are weak, that lead me to make unwise choices. I do want to listen to that little voice that warns me that I’m headed down a dangerous path. And I want to be courageous enough to stop, and admit I was wrong…that I need to make a better decision.


Because at the end of my life, I don’t want to be singing a song of regrets…about all the should-haves. I want to rejoice that I was courageous, even when it was difficult to be. And if I failed, I found my feet once more and tried again. I do have choices in my life. I have the freedom to make them.

Bible Verses, Our Christian Walk

Faith Makes it Well With My Soul

I began this day thinking on one of my favorite verses. Psalm 118:24 – This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. I usually remember it each day, to remind myself that I’m here to live another day, and that I have another opportunity to see what God has in store for me. I have another day to make choices, and I always pray that I will make them in His will…not mine.

Good morning, and I pray it is for you. The sun is shining here, and that helps my outlook immensely. Too many gray, damp, and dreary days play havoc with me.

I’ve mentioned on here that our family is struggling. All of us go through good and bad times. To say the past several months has been a challenge for us is an understatement. Our lives have been uprooted, our belief system of God as the center has been stomped on. There have been so many days that it would be easier to run and hide, or play the world’s system of games. God has not only pruned us, but it seems as though He’s allowed for us to be stripped bare of all. Every area of our lives has been hit…financially, physically, and our children are struggling. And we can’t make it better. Humbling may be one way to put it…but it seems to candy-coat.

And then I heard this song this morning when I was making breakfast. Our children told me about MercyMe several years ago. I’ve probably heard this song before…and not really paid attention to the words. But this morning I did. It reminded me that all should be well with my soul, no matter what happens in our daily lives. Faith is there, and God has a purpose.


We’ve all messed up our lives. We have in the past, and we probably will again in the future. As I always say, we are human. Situations we may go through may scar us for life. We may live with those decisions forever. Guilt can destroy us if we let it. But Jesus Christ paid for that on the cross. Don’t belittle what He did by taking it back, mulling it over, and damaging today. Release it…sometimes every minute of the day until you are stronger.

Pray without ceasing. Not all of the problems will go away. Some will stay to continue to test you and forge you into a strong person, not weak and swayed each time the wind blows. Some situations will cause scarring on your soul. You will live with that, and the consequences of it…but if you open your eyes on a new day…you are here. And in time, with better decisions through faith in what God has planned, the scarring will ease, the bruises will fade. The older you get in this life, the more you understand that.

As I usually do, I’m speaking to believers here. Those that have accepted Christ as their Savior. Your hope is in Heaven. Not this world and it’s system of chaos, and missed chances. Your job while here is to grow in maturity by learning His word and applying it to your life. You can’t have faith, peace, and contentment in this life without doing that. And yes, at times it’s a minute-by-minute walk.

As for me, I cannot imagine living this life without God, without Hope in heaven. To think that this is all there is, and then we die into nothingness, would be incredibly depressing. I would be seeking anything and everything to try and ease the pain, to try and make sense, and have fun before it was all over.

Thank you, God, for sending your Son to die for us, for bearing all our sins on that cross. He paid the price. Even if my entire world here on earth collapses, I have eternity with you. So today, I will rejoice for the sunshine, for my husband and five children, my grandchildren. Thank you for a Bible-teaching church and friends. Some days I have to look hard for the smile inside, but there’s always something.


A Day to Remember, Our Christian Walk

Merry Christmas!

The day has arrived! I hope you’ve enjoyed this little journey over the past month. I know it was a great reminder for me…the Christmas story. Christmas Month Social Media (3)

Especially remember verse twenty in the above. We may continue the Christmas spirit throughout the year…glorifying and praising God. Merry Christmas to you!

Our Christian Walk

One More Week!

Children are thrilled to count down the days before any important occasion. But Christmas is probably one of the most special to them. I know it was for me. With each day that passed, the excitement built until I thought I would fairly burst with wanting Christmas day to arrive. Presents appeared in the mail from relatives, and they were stashed under the tree with strict rules not to touch them until Christmas morning. That didn’t keep us from shaking a few and trying to guess. Baking went into a frenzy that last week, and our house always smelled delicious and festive.

When all the packages had been opened, the food consumed, the dishes done, we put on our new pajamas, robes and slippers. Because that was always a gift from our great Auntie. I would go to bed and think back over the day. I would be excited about a few more days off from school, and the potential for snow to play in. But there was always a little bit of a let-down. Christmas wouldn’t come for another whole year!

Children will always look at the glitz, the glamour, and the fun. And that is not wrong. Children need a time of innocence, a time of fun and happy memories. But they also need God…and that is something to teach on a daily basis. Not just at Christmas time.

Keep the joy of childhood in your Christian walk. On December 26th, the celebrations will be over, and won’t return for a year. But we can keep the memory of Christ’s birth, His life, and death on the cross each day. He is now seated at the right hand of the Father…and that is joyous!


Christmas Month Social Media (2)

Our Christian Walk

Proclaim the Truth

When I was a child, I often wondered what it must have been like for the shepherds the night Jesus Christ was born. To be sitting outside, enjoying the evening air, resting after a hard days work. Then an angel appears…and not just the angel, but the glory of the Lord shone around them. I would have been afraid as well!

The verses I’ve included on this little journey through Luke, chapter two, remind us that God works through humble means. The shepherds were given an important job that night, and they rushed to see if the angel had spoken truth. Then they shared the joyous news of Christ’s birth.

We as Believers should be just as excited to proclaim.


Christmas Month Social Media (1)

Our Christian Walk

The Countdown Begins

Yes, I know many of you have been counting down the days until Christmas for some time now. But, I prefer to give each day, each season, each celebration its due. For me, that means no celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Then there is an entire month set aside to celebrate the Christmas season.

If you are a Believer, each day should be one of remembering what God has done by sending his Son to us as a baby. Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for us. The Christmas season for me is a time to reflect, and remember those gifts that we have been given. The grace and mercy God gives to us on a daily basis.

It is fun to shop for loved ones, bake those special cookies, and decorate in order to recall Christmas memories. But not everyone has those memories. And if you don’t, you can remember that we are celebrating Christ’s birth. Our joy comes from inside, and the relationship with Him, not from our surroundings, or things.

Three more weeks until Christmas day. Enjoy the time, bake those cookies, decorate your space, listen to the songs as you shop and wrap presents. But remember why the day is set aside.

Christmas Month Social Media