A Day to Remember

Special Delivery

Waiting for a baby to make an appearance really pushes the patience scale. I know that five times over with my reluctant-to-arrive children. Each one was at least two weeks overdue. You wait anxiously for that due date…and then it passes! What? Then every day thereafter is pure torture. The first week the questions and little ‘jokes’ about your due date being passed, are somewhat bearable. The second week, not so much. You avoid going out in public and the stares of mercy from people you don’t even know. At home, you snarl at those you love and level gazes at them that would shrivel a prune. And you wait. The days, hours and minutes slow to a turtle crawl.

Our two youngest and I are now in Ohio, waiting for the arrival of grandchild number four. TODAY is the due date…and it’s not looking good. Now begins the wait.

People offer suggestions to help speed up the process. But all of us know that a  baby has a mind of its own…and he or she will express it very loudly and clearly concerning their entrance into the world. They have us in their itsy-bitsy hands.

So, here I sit in Target, sipping on a Starbucks coffee…writing to all of you. Our three youngest girls are off shopping for baby items that are always needed at the last minute. As I have mentioned before, I’m not much for shopping anymore. So the set-up suits me just fine. Well, it kind of suits me. They don’t sell Krispy Kremes here. Have a wonderful Monday!

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