A Day to Remember

Wal-Mart Wardrobe

Some pretty outrageous ‘costumes’ have been circling Facebook for the past few months. Of course we all click on it and see what all the fuss is about. It can be fairly entertaining for a few minutes. The thought always goes through my mind, “Did you pass by a mirror before you left the house and maybe have second thoughts?” This post is in no way written to offend anyone. We all have the right, within legal limits of course, of what we wear. But here are some of my thoughts on the subject.

Even when I was still in high school, I remember people generally wanting to look their best when they went somewhere. You didn’t want to have holes or rips in your clothing, or have stains or food on them. You really did not want to appear as a Hobo. You dressed the best that you could and you generally wanted to look your best when seen in public.

Today, that does not seem to be the case any longer. People go to weddings and funerals in jeans and a t-shirt…and I’m not talking nice ones. So, is it really that difficult to put on something decent before you leave the house?

Think back even fifty years ago. Going out of the house was a special occasion. Even to the grocery store. My grandmother did not leave her house without hose, gloves and a hat. It was required to be seen in public. Most men wore suits for church, weddings and funerals. Every man had a suit, even if dirt poor…and you wanted that because you didn’t want to be seen as well…a Hobo.

Yes, even I have become more sloppy in my dressing over the years. I still do wear a dress or very nice slacks for a wedding or funeral. I consider it an honor to show respect for those people. I can put a little effort into their special day, a little effort and respect into a family’s funeral. And it doesn’t kill me. I may be a little less comfortable for a few hours, but again, think back to the way people dressed one hundred and fifty years ago or so…and I think we will survive.

This post was written today because of my thoughts on Easter, which is coming early this year. For many of us in my generation, Easter Sunday was the day you debuted new spring clothes. It was a big thing at our house to see what we would purchase for  Easter Sunday. And yes, my sister and I did wear fancy dresses, hats and gloves. And I loved it!

Kreston, Jennifer, and me, Easter 1971

This picture is one of my favorite and I hope my brother and sister don’t mind me sharing it on here. I am the oldest and I was around four to five years old at the time. I know I had not started school yet.

So, think about it the next time you go to Wal-Mart. Pass by a mirror on your way out the door. Would you really want people seeing you like that?

Our Christian Walk

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know I am about 57 days late…but did I wish you a ‘Happy New Year’? With the shootings in Hesston, Kansas yesterday…people and their actions have really been on my mind today. We have friends that have family in that area, and it’s pretty close to our little town…more close than is comfortable. People are frustrated, hurt and angry. They are living their lives without hope, and they are striking out. It is difficult to live in a world today that doesn’t seem fair…hard work is generally not rewarded, pay for a job well-done is not heard of anymore. You struggle and struggle and never seem to get ahead. The rich get richer and the poor become destitute. If you dwell on this, it is depressing…and seems as though there is never going to be a way out.

Then I heard this song today. It is not deep, but very simple. And just because we are 57 days into 2016, doesn’t mean I can’t wish you a ‘Happy New Year’…because we still have ten more months to focus on the light and the good. If you are a Believer, your hope is in heaven. If you are not, you can change that. It is all up to you.

Just For Fun!

Winter Again!

One week of weather in the 60’s and the 70’s and we are all very spoiled! It is lovely to go outside and not break a sweat or have to catch a breath, as the cold air sears your lungs. Today it is in the 30’s again…and yes, I will take that over the year we spent in Duluth, Minnesota.

Duluth is a beautiful city on the shores of Lake Superior. I loved it from the standpoint of that lake. It was just like being on the ocean, where I have always wanted to live. I think I spent almost every day…a part of a day, down at the lake. We lived just a few blocks away, which would not have been impossible to walk.  But with four children trailing behind like little ducks, along a very busy road…just didn’t happen.

You could stand on the shoreline there, and close your eyes, listening to the waves lap at the rocks. Some days the wind would push big waves in, and it was almost like the ocean. The view across the lake was very much like the ocean…water to the horizon. Every once in a while, a huge barge would pass, and the children always thought that was great. We had picnics there, many walks, and sometimes just drove around the little park situated on the shore.

A few days ago, someone shared a video they had made of the ice-stacking on Lake Superior, taken in Duluth. Yes, we did see it in person, while there. It is pretty fantastic and a bit scary. Very loud! This video made me think of our year there, and winter always comes to mind. I usually enjoy winter from the standpoint of cooler weather, the snow is very pretty, and you have a little downtime before the growing season begins again. Our winter in Duluth was a test of my endurance.

It seems as though I would be exaggerating if I said it snowed every day that winter, but it wouldn’t be by much if I did. If it didn’t snow all day, it snowed for part of the day or looked like it was about to snow. We lived in the city and we had to keep our sidewalks clean. The two oldest girls and I pretty much kept a rotation going to keep them clean. If you didn’t do that, you were slinging some pretty heavy stuff! Of course it always snowed on Saturday night. The first few Saturdays, I made sure the van was cleaned off and ready to go so we could leave for church more easily. Sunday morning would arrive, van buried. So, I stopped cleaning it off the night before and just got up early. The drive to church was a challenge as well. Since we lived close to the lake, everything was uphill from there, including our church. Clear roads…no such thing. They were snow-packed the entire winter, which, if you had good tires, made it a little easier to get around. Now, if you noticed, I said ‘I’ a lot in that past paragraph. If my husband had been home that winter, he would have at least cleaned off the van in the mornings for church and shoveled a path to it. But he worked for JB Hunt that winter, out of Missouri. He wasn’t home a lot for all the fun.

So, when I think of winter, Duluth comes to mind. Spring doesn’t happen until about June, when the ice is finally gone from all the lakes. So, I will take the thirty degree weather we are having now. A little snow storm wouldn’t be unwelcome either. You know, to just get a bit of a feel before spring and summer begin. But, if you get a chance, watch the video below. The ice-stacking is pretty fantastic!

Our Christian Walk

What would you do with a few million?

Probably rush right out and spend it, just as the statistics say most people do. But isn’t it fun to dream just a bit? It is tax time again. For many years it was almost like Christmas for us. With five children and me not working during those years, every spring was a chance to get everything caught up. I remember many years ago, a friend had commented on that time of year not being so wonderful for them because they no longer had any children at home, and they usually had to pay every spring.  That reality has become more clear to us.

So, what would I do with a few million? As I get older, it isn’t as much about all the ‘things’ I would purchase as it is about being comfortable and helping others. I would certainly make sure we were debt free…no house payments, car payments or credit cards to worry about. We would have a house that was comfortable and met our needs without being over the top. A huge criteria would be land, for lots of room. A couple vehicles in good running order would be great. And then the rest would be to help others, our children first in line.

green-meadow-with-mountains-in-background-190x190A view like this one would be great, add some water in the form of a river or lake and I would be all set!

As a parent, you hate to see your children struggle in life. You want to think that they will never have to experience all the rough times that you did. In reality, they probably will…and they will have a whole set of tests that you did not go through. So, what can we do as a parent, or grandparent? Just throw them a few thousand and say “Good Luck, life’s a bummer, but you’ll survive?” Because basically, that is true.

What we can do is, live by example. Teach them to survive difficult times by watching you and the way you handle your own trying tests. Stay patient and calm…and believe me, I’m preaching to myself here! Stay focused on God and His Word. The problems probably won’t go away, but you will get through them. The goal is to come out on the other side with more insight, to have learned a lesson, and become more mature and strong.

Am I there yet? Well, of course not! Any one of my family and friends would say I have a long way to go. But that is life…the journey God has set before us. He does not want us to take the easy way out…hand out the millions. He wants us to survive on the lesser and train our children to do the same. If you have abundance, be thankful for it and use it wisely. Be a testimony to your children and others around you. Nothing we have on this earth is really ‘ours’. We have it for a time…our lifetime, and then it is gone…and it really doesn’t matter anymore. It has been the same before us, and it will be after us. That is a 100% guarantee!  None of us will leave this earth driving our new Ferrari, or our U-Haul packed with our new 70 inch TV, leather couch and vacation home in the Hamptons. It will be just us…leaving the same as we arrived.


Just For Fun!

Down Memory Lane

I had posted on this last week, but for some reason, I wasn’t meant to post that day. I tried several times to save my draft, upload pictures and post, but WordPress was not going for it. So, we will try again.


I happened across this picture of an old wagon. It made me think of Colorado, old mining towns there and the way people used to live. We have come a long way from the days of a cabin, hauling water and an outhouse. And believe me, I really appreciate all of our modern conveniences in those areas!

Fast forward to when my family was living in upstate New York, just after I was married. My parents had Percheron horses. They were beautiful…black and very tall. They had two mares they used for driving and a stallion. Max was the stallion and he was a gorgeous horse, with a really rotten attitude. (He may have been gelded by the time my parents purchased him, but he still thought he was a stallion, if that was the case!) I remember more than once, my brother coming in from cleaning stalls or grooming, with a black and blue shoulder from where Max had taken a ‘nibble’.  When my family showed horses at the fair, they always had a sign posted, “I Bite” in front of Max’s stall. You guessed it…someone always had to see if that was true. The horses spent much of their time in their stalls at the fair with their backsides to the door, especially toward the end of the week when they had had enough ‘smiling’ for the crowds. As big as Max was, he could whip around and bare teeth quicker than you could blink. Thankfully, no one was bitten, but Max sure tried several times and scared the pants off a few people.

So, back to this post. My parents purchased a market wagon, similar to the one pictured above. When they brought it home, it also looked much like the one above and maybe even worse. They wanted to use it for the driving class in the fair, but you couldn’t show with it looking like that. Enter my brother, who is very talented in many ways. (I really hope he doesn’t mind me sharing those talents on here every now and then). He took that wagon apart, right down to the nuts and bolts. Stripped, sanded and painted it again. The colors my family used at the fair were black and gold, so those were used on the wagon as well. When he was finished, it was really beautiful, as you can see from the pictures below.

The first one is at the Cobleskill Fair, my father showing with Bonnie and the second is with my parents and Bonnie. Even though the wagon was really pretty, it still was one bumpy ride! I could not imagine going across the country, no roads either, in something like that as so many did. Put all your belongings in the back…that was downsizing for sure!

My family won many ribbons with their horses over the years. I never showed, but I know from observing that it was a lot of work, very time-consuming and one tiring season! When the horses arrived home after their month or so of ‘showtime’…they were thrilled. It was fun to watch them get back to their paddocks, running, rolling and doing all that they could not, while they were all dressed up.

When I saw the picture of the old buckboard, worn and forgotten, all the above memories flooded my mind. I don’t know what happened to that wagon my brother spent so many hours making beautiful. The horses have been gone for many years now, all the tack, made by the Amish, sold and hopefully being used by others.  But the memories remain…and it’s nice to take them out and remember every now and then.


A Quick Thought

The Power of a Vacuum Cleaner

My stories usually come to me while I am sleeping. I wake up and frantically try to remember what I wanted to write down. If you are a writer, you know that when you get it down on paper/laptop/etc.,  it is almost never as good as your dream made it. Sometimes it’s better, but rarely.

Well, today I was vacuuming our bedroom, something I do almost every day. And there it was…the story for the third book in the Rubyville series. Yes, I have had an idea for a year now about where it was generally going, but today, it all fell into place. As I write, little turns and changes will happen, but the story is there! Maybe when I get stuck on a passage I should just go vacuum. My books and my house will thank me for it. Have a great Saturday!

A Day to Remember

Go Above and Beyond…Always

It is never fun to sit in the hospital. Whether it be the emergency room, visiting someone or waiting for someone during their surgery. The only exception to this may be waiting to hear about a new baby…but there is still that hospital atmosphere. I don’t mind that atmosphere if I am taking blood pressure, helping someone to eat, and generally taking care of them. I really like that atmosphere then, but the other side is…difficult.

Yesterday our son had his fourth surgery on his left ear, his sixth ear surgery, and his tenth surgery since he was born. We have spent a lot of time waiting and praying. For all of the ear surgeries, they were way more complicated than the two doctors expected. That added several hours to waiting when we thought a surgery would be over in a couple hours. Those hours are scary for parents. Yesterday was the best day. Yes, we spent the entire day at the hospital…waiting, but it was good news…and somehow that makes it more worth the wait.

One nurse stood out in my mind…and she made the day much easier. She came into the waiting room every half hour or so, more often if needed, to give updates to the family and friends waiting for their loved one. Each person had her undivided attention, she explained as much as she was allowed and able, and she did it with compassion and patience…over and over and over. She sat and talked if needed, gave encouragement and let everyone know that she and the staff were there to help, just call.

This nurse was being paid to do a job, just as all the other hospital staff were, but she went above and beyond…and you don’t see that much anymore. This nurse turned our day around after we had been greeted and treated as if we were idiots when we first arrived in admitting. This nurse did her job to earn a paycheck, just as we all do, but many of us don’t extend ourselves and put our best foot forward.

Thank you to this nurse for her exceptional work ethic. It was appreciated yesterday. Let it be a reminder to all of us that we shouldn’t just work to get paid, but to make a difference if someone else’s life. And you don’t need to be a nurse to do that. You can work at Dairy Queen, drive a truck, or work at Wal-Mart. Make someone’s day special. It will be remembered.

A Quick Thought


You all should check this out so you can see who is currently at the top of my list on goodreads. It is located right here on your left, toward the bottom of that sidebar.

Goodreads is kind of a fun place to go. You can answer trivia questions…I had one correct and one wrong, and look for all kinds of books. I created a trivia question for To Thee I’m Wed, so for those of you that have read it, see if you know the correct answer. You may also create trivia questions and quizzes for my books. I would love to see if I can answer the trivia or questions you create! 😉


Help Needed

Okay…I admit it…I need a full-time secretary to take care of all the duties I cannot handle! Job description: be in my office whenever I need you, take care of all computer and editing ‘stuff’ I cannot figure out and your pay will be a free meal. Alright, I may even be able to fit in a plate of cookies now and then. Any takers?

So, there it is, only about ten days after it went on Amazon…my second book!!! Our son-in-law was able to snatch that cover right out of CreateSpace and display it here and on Facebook for me. That is the church in Rubyville…or at least the one I see in my head. The little road leads to the Barton home and you can just make out the top of the gazebo that is in the park. Now that I am almost finished writing the second book in the series, A Place of Refuge, I almost feel like I live there rather than the small town we reside in. Just click on the little link above the books and that will take you to my Amazon author page. If you purchase Rubyville, you may download the digital version for free!

Notice the side bar to your right? I was able to actually organize it all on my own. I should say re-arrange, kind of like furniture, which I am actually pretty good at. The calendar on your left was added by me…that way you, and I, know what day it is! Now, I just need to do something about the mobile version of this site, because my daughters said it is really ugly. There is a way to change that…but it may take awhile. Cookies anyone?

A Quick Thought


Have you been there? The great, black hole we call the world wide web. It holds great fascination, hours of enjoyment, and you can find just about anything. And that is where the problem resides.

I just went to YouTube, to find a song I wanted to post about. Now, almost an hour later, I have seen that song and about 50 others. One loads, you watch about a minute of it and then the side bar calls you with pictures and titles of another song that looks just as good. You repeat that process for an hour, (hopefully you can keep it to that) and then you get on with your day, feeling really lazy and like you haven’t accomplished a thing.

The song I was looking for was ‘Get Happy’ and it was sung by Judy Garland and others. The tune was running through my head and I wanted to hear the actual words. It wasn’t what I was really looking for, but I did stumble upon…well actually ‘click upon’ several other songs. Most were from the old movies, the musicals with the brightly colored dresses and wonderful dancing. You watch one of those movies and you cannot be sad for long.

So while the world wide web can be a huge time waster, it can also be very useful in many ways. I use it everyday for various things, and it is very much appreciated…most of the time. So now that I have several jingles bouncing through my mind, and visions of swirling dresses, I will climb out of that hole and… get to work. If you read one of my books and I break into song during the dialog…you will know why.