A Quick Thought, Writing

Welcome Spring!

Here in Kansas, today is a hot one! I do miss the long, slow progression of spring and autumn in the northeast. But here in Kansas, we don’t seem to have the mud problem either that I remember so well when my parents had their horses. I lost a shoe or two more than once slogging through mud in upstate New York!

The daffodils have bloomed at our house. The peonies I moved last year seem to be doing well so far. They came up anyway! Now I’ll be looking for blossoms. I had wanted to move the daffodils last fall, but plantar fasciitis slowed my autumn prep to a standstill. Maybe I’ll get it done before the end of May.

Writing books and designing covers has been my focus since the beginning of the new year. I designed six covers, and I wrote a new book…about 85,000 words between the first of February and yesterday when I finished going through the edits needed on the second part of 56,000 words. I wrote that second part in three weeks. For those of you that write, you know that is an accomplishment! The first three months of a new year have always been a great time for me to get writing done. Motivated, not a lot of outside work, and between spring and fall cleaning schedules. This year was extremely successful. That puts a smile on my face!

Last September also saw the release of the second book in my Love Defined series…Sweet Belief.


Of course this is available right here: https://www.amazon.com/Sweet-Belief-Mike-Katie-Defined/dp/B0CJSQFWBV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2FFQYNYPU3ZRD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Z57xZ9EpuoKA-Cv3YKBaWg.2iWTLGur7eQqvHNvKTDDK5teixJjjg0-CAeXcrvRMJ0&dib_tag=se&keywords=deborah+ann+dykeman+sweet+belief&qid=1713117547&s=books&sprefix=deborah+ann+dykeman+sweet+belief%2Cstripbooks%2C161&sr=1-1

If you live in Texas, the view out your window today may look very much like the backdrop of the cover for Sweet Belief.

Happy spring to all! Enjoy the sunshine, the bright flowers, and new buds on the trees. And if you are in the mood to read, you know where to find a good book. šŸ˜‰

What are your thoughts on this?