Just For Fun!

Handyman Special

I spent the better part of yesterday in Menards with my son. He has a couple projects he is working on at his place. So, he was picking up supplies and wanted to know what his options were. I’m great at figuring out all the possibilities and I love designing it. But having the money to complete the project, and now the energy is another matter!

And no, the above pictures have nothing to do with our son’s place…unfortunately!

At one time, these ‘Big Box Stores’ as they call them were one of my favorite places to be. It was thrilling to be in there for hours, just wandering through all the products. My mind would race with all the possibilities of what ‘we’ could do at our house.

Not so much anymore! After four hours in there, my brain was swimming and in serious need of rescuing! Yes, we found some great deals, my son now has some wonderful plans to put into working order. All my mind can concentrate on is: Contractor anyone?


What are your thoughts on this?