A Quick Thought

Brewed Thoughts – Helen Keller

“I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet” ― Helen Keller

Source: Brewed Thoughts – Helen Keller

I am sharing this from another blog I follow. https://rhythminlife.net. She has many wonderful quotes on her blog as well as some fantastic advice on marriage. Some pretty yummy recipes as well that I would like to give a try when I get a chance.

I love this quote because of its simplicity, and it cuts right to the heart of the matter. So many times we, as humans complain or feel sorry for ourselves. The grass is always greener in someone else’s yard, their life is easier than our life, they are prettier, thinner, have more money and the list goes on and on.

There is always someone that has it more difficult than what we have it. Your house may be small, or need work. But you have one, a place to live. I’ve seen entire families living in places built out of boards, cardboard, and tar paper when I visited Ensenada many, many years ago. You may not think you are pretty or thin enough. But there are those that have lost their faces through accidents,  or their bodies are shriveled with cancer. Be thankful for what you have. Look around and see all the ways you’ve been blessed.

Anyone that has read about Helen Keller, knows what she did with her life. She didn’t allow being deaf and blind to ruin the things she could accomplish in her world. And her world of more than 100 years ago wasn’t as accepting of a person with challenges in life as it is now. Be all that you can be. Dance in the rain with bare feet, warm your hands beside a crackling fire. Listen to the rain on your roof, and enjoy the bounty of food that you have. We are blessed in this world today, in so many ways.


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