I’m not really a follower. And I would rather not be a leader. But if something needs to be done, and it’s headed to the trash can…then I would rather take charge of it.

I don’t like fads or slang terminology for a certain generation. Although when I was researching my Rubyville series of books, it was extremely interesting and fun to see what slang had been used down through the decades. As far as fashion goes, I love it. I’ve always been interested in what’s in style. But these days there are some pretty weird combinations out there. If it were possible, I would wear feminine, lacy and floral prints most of the time. Do you remember Laura Ashley or Jessica McClintock fashion? I loved it! But to dress in that mode today, all the time, you might as well don the hoop skirts or bustle, you would be viewed as just as strange.

To really be truthful, I would rather that women dressed as they once did back in the 1800’s. My opinion is that women were feminine and pretty, and I think this lasted until the second World War. I realize that our active lifestyle today would not be possible in the clothing from those eras, but there is a sense of sadness for me in that.


Somewhere along the line, women gained the vote, their rights, the ability to earn an income just like a man…and lost so much more.

Are you confused as to where this is going?

I’m not really a follower, and don’t like to be a leader in most situations. And I believe I was created that way. That does not make me less than a man, or stupid, or not able to take care of myself. At one time, women basically controlled the world from their own little environment of their home, taking care of their family and raising children. They had much information to impart to a child before they left the home environment. Their job was to teach a child to be self-sufficient in the areas of survival. A child learned skills to manage a home, whether it was outside, or inside. The mother had much to say about a child’s political and religious future. Of course the father contributed to this as well, but with young children especially, the mother was the leader.


Sadly today, grandparents and daycare oversee most of the rearing of children. Then it’s passed onto the school system. When a child spends most of their time learning from someone other than a parent, what view on the world are they going to take?

I don’t want to stir up trouble. But I do want you to think. Of course there are bad situations and scenarios concerning almost any topic, and that includes parenting. We’ve all seen children that would probably be better off being raised by a grandparent, or another loving and capable person. But that shouldn’t be the norm.

For me, having children was a huge responsibility, and I took it very seriously. After all, I had carried that child for almost 10 months, (I never seemed to want to give that baby up!) I changed their diapers, fed them every few hours, cuddled them, and took care of them when they were sick. That was my job, and I didn’t want anyone else doing it for me. I knew I had a tremendous influence in that little person’s life, and that’s how God designed it to be.

Again, I’m not trying to bash anyone’s parenting skills. But I do want to encourage you to follow your instincts as a mother, or father. Do what you were designed to do. Don’t allow society to dictate what you should be. Mothering is the most important job out there. Yes, the pay is lousy, the hours are long, and I guarantee you will want to quit many times over. But there is absolutely no other job as important, no other job with as much influence as the one of being a mother. Take it seriously, and lead those children to greatness.

As usual, I’ve probably rambled a bit. But I guess the bottom line is, don’t be afraid to be a woman or a man, and do the job God gave you to do. There is nothing wrong with wearing feminine clothing if you’re a woman, and the same is true if you’re a man wearing masculine clothing. Why do we all have to look the same? Why do we follow what society dictates? And now society is saying we should be gender neutral so as not to offend anyone. ( Yes, this is a bit of a rabbit trail, and for another post another time!) Why do we care? If we raise our children to have respect for life, respect and love for others, the outside doesn’t matter. The soul does. And that’s what we should really care about.

10 thoughts on “Confused?

  1. Interesting take on the whole feminism issue – I think that the move towards less of a separation between men and women has been a great thing to be celebrated, but you are right in mentioning the lack of effort parents might put into raising their children. The increase in the number of working women has also led to an increase in the number of stay-at-home dads, which may lead to a more interesting and varied society. I believe that both men and women can raise kids well, but parenting has always been difficult but rewarding, no matter what generation you belong to! And a note on the femininity of pre-WWII attire: it’s totally acceptable to wear whatever you like now, and I’m glad for this change!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate your thoughts and for taking the time to comment. And yes, I do agree with the stay-at-home dad’s part in this world today. I have some son-in-laws that do a terrific job of that. It is extremely difficult to survive in this world today, many challenges that even I did not have when I was younger. I admire those families working out the solution to put those children first, whatever that may be.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the re-blog! That post was a bit scary to write, but sometimes I am just convicted to say something! 😉 My poor children have to put up with that all the time! So, to have you share it is very special.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “But I do want to encourage you to follow your instincts as a mother, or father. Do what you were designed to do. Don’t allow society to dictate what you should be. Mothering is the most important job out there. Yes, the pay is lousy, the hours are long, and I guarantee you will want to quit many times over. But there is absolutely no other job as important, no other job with as much influence as the one of being a mother. Take it seriously, and lead those children to greatness.”

    Deborah, I couldn’t agree more. At times I am bound to believe that I was born in the wrong era. I strongly believe in a mother taking care of their children and believe that working in oneness as husband and wife is God’s design. It’s not about equality (something many may try to argue).
    Proverbs 31 as well as Ephesian 5:25-33.
    Blessed to be able to continue to hear the truth from wiser women like you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. This area is slippery ground these days, but it is so sad to see the results of this most important job being belittled and not taken seriously. And yes, Ephesians 5:25-33 is an excellent passage!


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